Letter From Linda…

Letter from Linda Gibbons dated May 3, 2010

Greetings in our Risen and Returning Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Pray this finds you well having celebrated a most holy Easter.

Thank you so much for sending the article “Freedom of Choice or Right to Life” It was astute in dismantling the false notion that killing innocents is any kind of right.

Recently I was sent an article written by Joe Bissonnette, titled, “Abortion, Conscience, Crisis and the Church” It was published in the Human Life Review. It is a telling article that is a litmus test of where we are as well as a call to action for pro-lifers and the Church.

For there to be change their needs an impetus (catalyst of urgency if you will) to bring needed tension to the issue that cannot be ignored. It happened with the apprehension of the Jews, the slavery of the blacks and the segregation of the Afro-Americans in the States. All these social aberrations fell before social conscience and reasoned to action.


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